Monday, January 5, 2009

Jan. 2008 Noah's baptism

Noah was baptized the day after my father's funeral. It was a bitter sweet day. It was great that Noah was being baptized, but sad that his father couldn't be the one to do it. But we know his father was there in spirit. Noah had his uncle Ryan baptize him. His is Rod's oldest brother and most like him. In the picture-back row: Bishop Brian Steck, Derek Buttars(cousin), uncle Ryan, uncle Mike, uncle Lathe, uncle Dennis. Front row: Uncle Cubby(Charles), Grandpa Clark, Noah, uncle Lane and uncle Laird.


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Creative, widowed mom of 4 beautiful, but sometimes crazy kids. They add spice to my life. Thank goodness ;o) Wife and best friend to Rodney. Married for almost 14 years before his life was taken in a quading accident on the 4th of July 2007 in Logan Ut. We love and miss you!